Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Clinical Trial

We found a clinical trial in Twin Falls Idaho!! :)) {a little closer to home} We meet with them on October 12 :) the day after we get home from our last trip {we think} to Arizona. If Jason clears all of the qualifications he will begin the trial around the 18.

CA 184-045 study for Ipilimumab
The trial is a compassionate care trial which means everyone who qualifies will get the drug, no placebos given! {thank god} Jason will go n receive the drug every 3-4 weeks for 4 doses. scans will be done randomly throughout the trial to see if the cancer is reacting the way we want it to, if it isnt we will be advised to stop the trial and i guess go back to Arizona and start up chemo again... and if it works in our favor we hopefully will be given the option to receive another 4 doses. Jason will have his blood drawn before every dose, which we are so happy it isnt every week like now, since his blood draws have to be done in Twin falls. They are very persistent with NO getting pregnant while receiving this drug, since they have not studied the effects on the fetus.
Steve {the clinical trial dude} told us that the drug is a lot like the IL2 that Jason received in February {week of pure hell, thank god for my family being there} so were not looking forward to the effects of the drug, although we were told the main side effect people have are fatigue and diarrhea.{the drive will suck since there is NOTHING out that way so hopefully jason doesnt have to poop too bad!} they are also really worried about bowel perforation, especially since Jason has received IL2. Steve also told us that the drug has a 25% working rate {coulnt think of a better word} which is hella higher than ANYTHING Jason has received before or been offered! so were feeling pretty good/excited about this! :))

if you have any questions feel free to ask! i kinda shortened the info... A LOT...


  1. Wow Hope! Oh my gosh that sooo exciting that you are able to go see if this will work! I am crossing my fingers and saying prayers for you! Ick... ya hopefully he wont have to go to the back room... that would suck! just bring a role of TP and you should be okay :| Love ya guys!

  2. thanks! i will definitely have to put a roll of tp in the car {just in case!} lol love you too!!
